Monday, December 31, 2012


Este es el ultimo post del 2012!!!

Nos vemos en el 2013…

Se terminó el 2012…

2012 fue un año de altas y bajas en mi vida. Hubieron momentos dificiles pero tambien hubieron momentos felices. Lo mas importante es llegar con animo a este ultimo dia, en este ultimo minuto para estar con mi familia y esperar un nuevo año con una luz en el camino para poder seguir hacia adelante el sendero de la vida si Dios lo permite.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1…..

ADIOS 2012….



Feliz 2013

PARA LA REPUBLICA DOMINICANA!!! : Best Shots Comic Reviews: The BEST of 2012! : Best Shots Comic Reviews: The BEST of 2012!:
Greetings, 'Rama readers! Your friendly neighborhood Best Shots team is back and ready to give 2012 the sendoff it deserves! There has been a lot going on in the comicsphere this year, from moviegoers seeing the end of an era with The Dark Knight Rises to the rise of new cinematic heroes with The Avengers, to the launch of Marvel NOW!, the continued cross-pollination between DC's New 52 and news of the restructuring of Vertigo. Image launched a ton of new books as well, including Saga and The Legend of Luther Strode, while Dark Horse, IDW, Dynamite and more charged forward with new and revamped books including Mind MGMT, Popeye, Masks, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Evil Ernie and The Massive. But some series, creators, characters and publishers stand above the rest, and Best Shots is ready to lay it on the line, with our Best of Best Shots - 2012 edition!
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Saturday, December 29, 2012

CBR's Top 100 Comics of 2012, #49 - 25 - Comic Book Resources

CBR's Top 100 Comics of 2012, #49 - 25 - Comic Book Resources:
More to come...
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CBR's Top 100 Comics of 2012, #74 - 50 - Comic Book Resources

CBR's Top 100 Comics of 2012, #74 - 50 - Comic Book Resources:
Continuing with the countdown...
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CBR's Top 100 Comics of 2012, #100 - 75 - Comic Book Resources

CBR's Top 100 Comics of 2012, #100 - 75 - Comic Book Resources:

Each year, CBR wraps its coverage of the comics industry with a virtual nerd cage match to determine the very best comics of the year. Every single CBR staffer -- from our crack news team to our well-researched columnists and from CBR's many daily bloggers to our legion of comic reviewers -- had the chance to chip in their favorite books of the year with only the highest vote-getters ranking up on our massive Top 100 Comics list, and as always, neither the staff nor the comics disappointed.
2012 was an upbeat year for comics sales, but even as blockbuster superhero revivals and events stormed the Direct Market charts, dozens upon dozens of independent, alternative and literary titles worked their way into the hearts of readers and reviewers. From the creative resurgence of creator-owned comics to the die-hard horror titles that continue to shock fans and from the all-ages kids books cropping up everywhere to the darkest crime thrillers, we've got it all.
And while it's nearly impossible for even the combined staff of CBR to have read every single ongoing series, miniseries, one-shot, graphic novel and webcomic published in and throughout 2012, we are confident that you'll find no better indicator of the breadth and quality of the industry as it stands today than right here. Read on for part 1 of our list counting down #100 to 75, and tune in tomorrow to see more of the best comics of the year!

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De Vuelta al Blogueo... Después de un tiempo de no postear en blogger regreso como todo un guerrero listo para la lucha. Est...