Monday, December 31, 2012 : Best Shots Comic Reviews: The BEST of 2012! : Best Shots Comic Reviews: The BEST of 2012!:
Greetings, 'Rama readers! Your friendly neighborhood Best Shots team is back and ready to give 2012 the sendoff it deserves! There has been a lot going on in the comicsphere this year, from moviegoers seeing the end of an era with The Dark Knight Rises to the rise of new cinematic heroes with The Avengers, to the launch of Marvel NOW!, the continued cross-pollination between DC's New 52 and news of the restructuring of Vertigo. Image launched a ton of new books as well, including Saga and The Legend of Luther Strode, while Dark Horse, IDW, Dynamite and more charged forward with new and revamped books including Mind MGMT, Popeye, Masks, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Evil Ernie and The Massive. But some series, creators, characters and publishers stand above the rest, and Best Shots is ready to lay it on the line, with our Best of Best Shots - 2012 edition!
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