Para nadie es un secreto que estas revistas han sido muy famosas en varias decadas. Cada una con tematica distinta y hacia el mismo publico que es el femenino. Estas revistas siguen vigentes aunque algunas de ellas con varios cambios ya sea de nombre, de frecuencia de tirada entre otras. A continuación las portadas de revistas….de seguro que la han visto alguna vez.
A blog with a different point of view. Comentaries, facts, opinions, reviews and more. Available on English and Español.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Monday, March 24, 2014
Covers/Portadas : It is just a kiss…
In this occasion I will show some cover of comics where characters are making out…err…kissing. Let’s see the covers:
The question? Where is Reed Richards? Does he realize where is his wife and with whom? NAMOR got his Blondie after all…. and in his landmark 50th issue! What is funny about it is that (spoiler alert) she was not Sue after all…. that does not mean that he did miss a kiss from the real Sue Richards neither.
An odd couple that did not lasted for long. Not wonder Bobby Drake is alone, he is always after demanding women! (Just ask Kitty…) I think there was desperation for this case.
This was one of the weird scene. Isn’t Rogue able to touch anyone because could leave the person on coma? And where is Gambit? Well, Wolverine had healing factors on that time… What happens if this happens now that he is mortal ? Again, this is disturbing. It is not that Logan and Rogue can’t be together, it is just that combination of them that seems not to work well.
SUPERMAN-WONDER WOMAN (Superman/Wonder Woman # 4)
A very explosive couple! I think they can be a couple and have a relationship. She knows him and vice versa. Besides, they are superheroes and fight for the same cause. However, nothing is perfect and last forever. This is not the first time that love encounter between them happens, it happen on the past but they decided to be just friends but that was in the past and now things are different so everything goes…
(Superior Spider-Man # 2)
What you see on the cover did not happened the way that readers were expecting. Even though this is a very provocative take of Otto AKA The Superior Spider-Man kissing a surprised but excited MJ. Peter Parker would never kiss her or another woman like that…well … that has to be seen…because…
SPIDER-MAN-BLACK CAT (Amazing Spider-Man # 606)
Actually, Peter Parker under his Costume of Spider-Man was making out with the Black Cat and that was broadcasted over the web by some perverts who were watching including Mary Jane Watson herself. Humm…What the Tiger has…?
Spider-Man – Mattie Franklin (Spider-Woman) (Amazing Spider-Man # 14)
This is what I call a steal kiss. The new Spider-Woman couldn't resist it and unmasked and kissed Peter Parker. That was very disturbing because on previous issue a plane crashed and MJ was in there making clear that she may died. This kiss was another desperate attempt to get the attention of the person being kissed. I think after this issue Peter and Mattie did not kiss ever again…
And last but not the least…
JEAN GREY-WOLVERINE (Uncanny X-Men # 94)
This is my favorite cover. I loved it! Look a the bodybuilder perfect man was drawn on Logan and Jean Grey was just good. There was a tension between him and her. She always felt something for him, but because of her loyalty to Scott Summers(Cyclops) Jean tried to keep down and away from her mind. She knows that he is in love for her but again there is the statement “Sorry, I have someone” that keep it apart. In this particular issue both of them are on a very difficult situation where their lives where at risk so in a very dramatic moment, where it was thought that there was not salvation, it happened a last wish…a kiss. What a way to spend a final moment! believe or not Jean make a good couple with Wolverine even better that Cyclops. However, many things are between them like the Phoenix, the wolverine luck and of course Cyclops. Did I mentioned this name many times? Who cares…and that’s was a wrap. Hope you enjoyed…see ya!
Disclaimer: The X-Men, Spider-Man, Namor and related characters are trademarks of Marvel Comics. Super Man and Wonder Woman are trademark of DC Comics. Images used as a reference only.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Portadas / Covers : MAX COMICS
Max Comics es una linea de comics de Marvel Comics que esta enfocada para el publico adulto. Esta son las portadas de algunas de sus series.
Black Widow : Pale Little Spider (2002)
Blade: The Vampire Hunter (2002)
Source :Marvel Database
Max Comics, Alias, Apache Skies, Black Widow, Blade, Cage, and Howard the duck are a tradermark of Marvel Comics. Images used as a information only.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Covers / Portadas
Quien dijo que la mujer es debil, en esta portada de MARVEL FANFARE, Shanna The She-Devil lucha por su vida contra una serpiente.
Shanna the She-devil, Marvel Fanfare is a tradermark of Marvel Comics. Image use as a information only.
Covers / Portadas
Otra portada de la Historieta (paquito) de la serie ELFUGITIVO TEMERARIO numero 331 en sus numeros finales. La serie se quedó inconclusa en el 342 y volvio a comenzar a partir del 343. lo que llama la atencion es lo distorcionada que era esta historia en esos ultimos numeros. Muchos compraron este numero por la portada nada mas. Este es una forma de vender un producto haciendo portadas llamativas y sugestiva aunque su contenido no se conecta con portada misma.
El que dibujó esta portada parece que estaba muy inspirado y lo comico del caso es que hace alusion a que la mujer que el perro la convierte en una esclava cuando en realidad es un hombre el que la desea para lo que todos sabemos…y mas en la forma como ella está.
Sunday, January 08, 2012
Covers / Portadas
Tenia descuidado esta seccion pero vuelvo a actualizarlo.
Esta es la portada de una de las revistas infantiles hecha en Republica Dominicana desde finales de los 80s hasta la actualidad.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Portadas & Covers
Covers es el término en Inglés de Portadas. Cada portada/cover tendrá un comentario personal. Espero que le guste…
Para Comenzar …
Portada del ya clasico numero 587 de los 4 Fantasticos que al final de este numero uno de ellos dizque muere. Lo de Dizque lo digo porque a Marvel Le gusta matar personajes para despues revivirlo. Esta es una de portadas Variantes de dicho numero. Fué tanta la bulla que se hizo solo para que al final todos supieramos de que que el dichoso Johnny Storm conocido como la Antorcha Humana (Human Torch) sea el famoso muerto. Marvel Comics metió la pata cuando de forma deseparada decide sacar este numero un dia antes de la fecha anunciada que era el miercoles 26 de enero del 2011. No solo provocó confusion entre sus lectores sino decepcion para todo el publico general ya que esperaban algo grande, impactante, chocante en ese numero para encontrar un numero nomas impresionante. Dejame no seguir hablando de esto… Esta portada llamó la atención de muchos pero no impresionó a todos.
Fantastic Four is a Trademark of Marvel Comics.
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