Monday, August 04, 2008


What's Going On Now...
  • On Marvel Comics there is the Secret Invasion event around almost all the books. This event is getting better as it continues. Secret Invasion is about the skrulls who decided to invade the earth after years of hidden operations which included replacing several characters from the Marvel Universe such as Electra, Black Bolt, Spider-Woman, Jarvis, and several others that caused a mistrust between the heroes. The Phrase "Don't Trust anyone" applies here. This event is taking place on its own miniseries, Secret Invasion, and some others such as New Avengers and Mighty Avengers, Ms Marvel and more... Also playing on Marvel is the Brand New Day event on Spider-man, a event that will be over and be leading to the next event : New Ways to Die. I hope this daydreaming project be over and bring Spider-Man back on his roots before the One More Day mess.
  • The X-MEN arrived to their 500TH on the core book Uncanny X-Men. The mutant are heading to a brand new direction this time. They are located on San Francisco, CA after what happened to the Mansion on Westchester during the Messiah Complex. Change is good but my question is for how long the X-MEN will be on the west coast.

Visit Marvel.Com for more details.

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