A blog with a different point of view. Comentaries, facts, opinions, reviews and more. Available on English and Español.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
La TV Hispana en Memorial Day
Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Feliz Dia de La Madres Dominicana.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Comenzó las vacaciones de Verano.
La crisis economica y la alza de los precios de la gasolina no frena a nadie, mucho menos en este pais del norte donde la gente sale a divertirse como quiera. Claro, ajustandose sus bolsillos....
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Elecciones En RD 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
TV Digital
My Experience
This converter from analog to digital is one of the authorized TV converters that apply the US$40 Rebate Coupon sent by the government for the preparation for next February 17 of 2009 that the TV analog signal will be replaced by a digital signal. The coupon is a way to save money for people who want to continue using their old TV sets to receive over the air TV channels. There are two other choices, one is to subscribe Cable or Satellite services and the second is just buying a new TV with a digital tuner built it.
When I received my two coupons, I did not wait long to use one of then to buy the TV converter and went to one of the retail store listed on the letter that has the rebate coupons. Radio Shack was the closest one to my home, so I went there to buy the converter. There it was only one brand, Digital Stream DTX9900 and there were only four of them left. I asked to the salesperson if there another brand of Converter available and the person told me that those four converters are the only ones the store has. I had not other choice but to buy the converter (I was about to buy it anyway, but wanted to know if there another brands). The regular price of the Digital Stream DTX9900 converter was US$59.99 with the taxes has the total of about US$62. With the coupon, I paid about 22 dollars. That thing makes me feel that I was ripped off by the store.
The Converter came on a small box, the item is small and very light on weight. It contained the converter, a remote control with batteries included (for my surprise!!!) and a RF cable. Also it came with a quick setup guide and a user guide manual, both guides are very easy to read and understand that even a child can setup this converter (and I am not kidding!!). I don’t have any problems to connect it on my TV located on the kitchen. Easy setup, just connect the antenna (a rabbit one) to the converter on the Antenna input and the RF cable on the Out to TV output to connect it to the TV from the converter. There is another choice to connect the output to TV by using the A/V terminals from the converter to the TV or other devices such as DVDs and VCR’s using A/V cable. This cable is not included on the box of the converter; you need to buy it separately. Both ways to connect the converter to TV has the same results, the only thing is that using the RF requires to tune channel 3 or 4 on your TV while the A/V will be seen on the AUX or AV on the TV.
After you installed the unit, the next procedure is making the configuration on the TV. The setup was easy: Just tuned channel 3 and turned the converter on. The first screen I saw was the brand name of Digital Stream for a few seconds, then the setup started by asking the language (English/Spanish), after that there a option where one select the area where you live (Eastern, Western, Central, Mountain) this is for the time and the date. Once you set the region area, the unit configures the date and time automatically. One final step of the setup is to scan the channels available on my area. The converter tells us to have the antenna installed before start the scanning. This process lasted about 2 or 3 minutes, during that time I was able to see a box with two columns, one column has the RF channels and the other one the actual channels located on those RF signals. This feature is good because I can see what channels are available. The scan start on channel 2 on the RF signal up to 69. After that, it stops at the first channels of the list found. On my case is Channel 2 WCBS. On the remote control there are several functions such as EPG, electronic guide that shows the programming of the station that is being watched. It’s like a TV guide but limited to one channel only. If you hit the Ok button or the info button, it will show the name of the program, if it HDTV, has closed captions, the signal meters and information on some programs. There is a button for closed captions, another for mute, also one for secondary audio and one for the aspect ratio of the image. This feature is better on those TV sets that have widescreen format, but you can play with the aspect ratio. Note that no all channel are broadcasts on HD format so there will be some stations that are SD, standard format. One good feature of the remote control is its capacity to work as a universal remote to operate the TV.
The number of channels received by the Digital Stream is higher compared to the analog system. The low powered stations cannot be seen on this unit because it receives digital signal only. This is one disadvantage for Digital Stream, but since I don’t care about those stations, it’s just fine least for now. The good thing about this converter is the quality of the images, very good audio signals, and thanks for the digital sub channels; I was able to receive more channels such as QUBO, V-ME, NBC Weather Plus and others which cannot be seen on a analog signal.
In conclusion, the Digital Stream Converter DTX9900 is a good choice for those people who want to prepare to the TV transition from Analog to Digital for 2009. Though it has several things that I found very disappointed at first, I found this converter just fine. I still have another coupon of 40 dollars that I am going to use to buy another converter of other brand just to make the comparison with the one I have. For now, let me enjoy the advantages that bring the new Digital TV technology.
Video from You Tube explaining the setup
Related information:
Referencia : TV Digital Lineup List
Monday, May 12, 2008
Este Viernes se celebrará la tan esperada elecciones en la Rep. Dominicana. Por la forma en que se ve el ambiente por alla, todo indica que es posible que Leonel Fernandez vuelva a ganar, en otras palabras reelegirse por 4 años mas. Sin embargo, Yo no puedo estar seguro de eso porque a pesar de eso, es posible que ocurra una reñida contienda que podria obligar a una segunda vuelta. Gane quien gane, sea en la primera o en la segunda vuelta, le espera un reto dificil que enfrentar por lo caro que está el barril de petroleo, las crisis internacional que ha disparado los precios de los productos como el arroz, los platanos y otras materias prima de consumo de la gente. En los proximos meses se perfila varios aumentos de precios, una reforma fiscal que pudiera quitar mas subsidios, y una posible escases de los productos de primera necesidad. Ojalá, que el pueblo sepa elegir a su candidatos. Que tambien salgan a votar, ya que el voto es nuestra muestra de apoyo por un mejor candidato y repudio por el otro. Pasamos 4 años quejandonos, nos dan un dia para cambiar nuestras quejas usando el voto, asi que no nos quedemos dormidos, Levantemonos !!! Gane Leonel o Miguel Vargas o Amable Aristi o Eduardo Estrella o cualquiera que sea, la Republica Dominicana seguirá con su agitado curso...
-Hasta cuando seguirá el show de los nominados Democratas? Es que Hillary y Obama no se dan cuenta que su competencia hace daños a los Democratas y le das mas puntos a los Republicanos? Un gobierno de Mcain seria igual que este, sin ningun cambio.
-Me aburre el anuncio de Direct TV con Andres Garcia y ahora con la Jueza que sale en Telemundo. Ellos repiten que la imagen de este servicio satelital es buena con lluvia o sin lluvia en un 99.5 %, pero lo que ellos no saben es que el Cable no se recibe por aire sino por lineas y que en varios edificios y casas no se permite esas antennas por leyes locales y estatales lo que obliga a la gente el tener cable.
-Verizon Fios esta lento, El cable sigue su monopolio, y los satellites estan deseperados por jalar clientes.
-Yo no sé si el publico le gusta o no, pero a mi personalmente no me gusta escuchar el programa de WADO 1280, El Palo de La Tarde con Gisela y el Pachá. El Pachá podrá tener todos los talentos que quiera, pero Alipio Cocco es mejor que el. Otra cosa que no soporto de mi compatriota Pachá es que el no deja hablar a los oyentes. El debe bajar un poco sus humos porque su fama se lo debe al publico y aunque el saque a colasión su trayectoria, en nada le vale si no tiene el apoyo de su publico. Pachá, cójelo suave!!
-El pais en recesión y la gente llenando los malls y centros comerciales. Que gentes estas!!
-Todos los años para este mes de Mayo, los Dominicanos de aqui nos metemos en un dilema: Cual de las dos Madres celebrar si la que se celebra en el segundo Domingo que es la de aqui (USA) o la del ultimo Domingo de este mes (La Dominicana). Las madres dicen que ellas son madres Dominicanas pero al que felicitarla en la madres americana. Que cosas estas!!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Friday, May 09, 2008
TV Dominicana: Televisión En Santiago
Esta es la lista de canales de TV desde Santiago (hasta donde yo sé por el momento):
- Tele Unión
- Tele Universo
- Canal 25
- Megavision
- Canal 55
- Tele Contacto
- Merka TV
- Virus TV
- Cibao TV 53
- Tele Canal
- Tele Milenio
- CDN 2
Varias notas sobre esta lista es que de estas 12 estaciones de TV:Sólo 6 de ellas (Los primeros 6 de la lista) se ven sin el cable, los demas solo se ven via cable y OJO en algunos proveedores del mismo. Tele Milenio empezó sus trasmisiones hace un año por el canal 50 del cable Aster solamente. CDN 2 comenzó en este año a travez de varios canales en los servicios de cable Aster y Cablenet pero no en Star cable por el momento. CDN 2 es el canal hermano de CDN (Cadena de Noticias) canal 37 de la capital (Santo Domingo). Se espera que CDN 2 se vea por el canal 38 en los sistemas de cable tanto local como nacional.
Lista y información sujeta a cambios sin previo aviso.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
ComicsGrama : Wolverine And The X-Men
The first, official trailer for Marvel's upcoming animated series, "Wolverine and the X-Men," is here! Packed with more mutants than you can shake a stick at, check out what's in store for a world in which Professor X has been taken out and Wolverine must lead the X-Men into a very uncertain and dangerous future!"Wolverine and the X-Men" begins as an explosive event shatters the lives of the X-Men and takes away their mentor, Professor X. The beaten heroes, including Beast, Storm, Cyclops and Nightcrawler, walk away from it all but then they are given a rare glimpse into the future, where they see a world in utter ruin…ruled by giant destructive robots. They discover the world has spiraled out of control because the X-Men have given up. So now the most legendary of all X-Men, Wolverine, must take the lead on the ultimate mission—to prevent the world's destruction—while fending off enemies Magneto and The Brotherhood.Check it out the debut trailer below right now OR watch the bigger version at Marvel.com's Videos section. Better yet? Watch the "Wolverine and the X-Men" animated series trailer in hi-res!
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Referencias : TV Digital Lineup
Channel 02
· 2.1 – CBS 2 HD
Channel 04
· 4.1 – NBC 4 HD
· 4.3 – NBC Weather Plus
· 4.4 – NBC 4.4
Channel 05
· 5.1 – FOX 5
· 5.2 – My Network TV
Channel 07
· 7.1 – ABC 7
· 7.2 – ABC Eyewitness News
· 7.3 – ABC AccuWeather
Channel 09
· 9.1 – My Network TV
· 9.2 – FOX 5
Channel 11
· 11.1 – The CW
· 11.2 – LA TV
Channel 13
· 13.1 – Thirteen (PBS)
· 13.2 – Kids Thirteen (PBS Kids)
· 13.3 – V-ME
Channel 25
· 25.1 – NYC TV
· 25.2 – NYC Traffic Report
Channel 29
· 29.1 – WFME
· 29.2 – 29.12 Audio Only
Channel 31
· 31.1 – ION
· 31.2 – QUBO
· 31.3 – ION Life
· 31.4 – The Worship Network
Channel 41
· 41.1 – Univision
Channel 47
· 47.1 – Telemundo
Channel 50
· 50.1 – NJN (PBS) SD
· 50.3 – The Annenberg Channel
· 50.4 – NJN Jersey Vision
· 50.5 – NJN (PBS) HD
Channel 63
· Korean TV
· Unsion – Ecuatorian TV
· Mundo Hispano TV
Channel 68
· Tele Futura
NOTE: List subject to change without notice.
Monday, May 05, 2008
Referencia : Lista de TV Analoga en mi area.
2 WCBS CBS National Network
4 WNBC NBC National Network
5 WNYW FOX National Network
7 WABC ABC National Network
9 WWOR MY NETWORK TV National Network
11 WPIX THE CW National Network
13 WNET THIRTEEN (PBS) Public Television
17 WEBR-CA GCN Low Power Local Station
21 WLIW PBS Public Television
31 WPXN ION National Network
34 WPXO-LP CARIBE VISION Spanish Low Power Local Station
39 WNYN-LP AZTECA AMERICA Spanish Low Power Local Station
41 WXTV UNIVISION National Network
47 WNJU TELEMUNDO National Network
50 WNJN NJN-PBS Public Television - Local
68 WFUT TELEFUTURA National Network
Estos canales son los que se ven por el sistema analogo solamante. El 17 de Febrero del 2009 las grandes cadenas comenzará a transmitir en señal digital solamente. Las estaciones de TV de baja potencias (los que termina en LP o CA) no serán afectados por el momento.
Datos sólo para referencia.
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Santiago Adentro : Un nuevo canal de TV en Santiago
Thursday, May 01, 2008
ComicsGrama- Comics Prices are hiking!!!
Lo mismo de todo los años
Estamos en Mayo !!!
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